Storytelling is an amazing tool. When it’s done correctly, it stirs up emotion, creates a connection, and even kicks an audience into action. That’s exactly why L2L partners with our Seattle video production and content creation company on a video series called People of the Plant Floor.

“Everything we touch, use, or consume is manufactured,” said L2L CEO Keith Barr. “The people who work on the plant floor are the reason we have those things, so a series that shares their view and who they really are is a powerful thing.”

L2L sells cloud-based lean manufacturing software, so their product directly impacts the people of the plant floor. If you don’t know what it is, lean manufacturing (in its most basic terms) means eliminating “waste” while maintaining or improving productivity. L2L does that by helping manufacturers streamline their process, therefore making life easier on employees.

people of the plant floor l2l
On the plant floor for an L2L video production project

“We’re about changing lives, and specifically changing lives for the folks on the manufacturing floor,” Barr said. “They’re the talent that changes things. They’re the talent that innovates. The motivation and the ability for them to have impact is an important element of what we do. It’s why we exist.”

Therefore, straightforward sales material just doesn’t cut it (storytelling is a MUCH better option). Instead, People of the Plant Floor serves as a “love letter to manufacturing.” It showcases amazing individuals who work on the floor, giving a glimpse inside their personal and professional lives.

It’s a fun project to be a part of because we get to meet awesome people like Danny Linares. He’s featured in one of the two People of the Plant Floor episodes we put together at MityLite in Orem, Utah. Take a look!

“These are excellent videos. Our people really shine and both tell a fabulous story,” wrote Andrew Cuthbert, former senior marketing manager at MityLite. “The video production team did an awesome job capturing their essence and editing for a captivating glimpse into their lives. Well done!”

People of the Plant Floor is an active video production series so keep your eyes open for more episodes in the future. We’ll be sure to highlight them on our website and on social media. You can find Moarly Creative on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and Vimeo.

And don’t miss our post about one of the busiest days of our working lives when we traveled to Utah for an L2L deployment video shoot.