There is a reason healthcare video production is always in high demand. The simple answer: it works. And when I say it works, I mean on several different levels. Healthcare videos can educate, draw emotion, and in the case of a doctor introduction video, build trust. And on top of all that, medical videos have a great return on investment (better than most industries).

On the surface, a doctor introduction video is pretty simple. But there are so many doctors and doctor introduction videos out there, it’s important to make yours stand out. A doctor introduction video should include an authentic, conversational interview and high quality visuals and audio. A cheap or inauthentic video might steer people away. But a quality doctor introduction video will hook people in and immediately start building trust.

COAST Med Device sees the importance of quality doctor introduction videos. That’s why the medical device distributor turns to our Seattle video production and content creation company for a series called Surgeons of Spine. In this doctor introduction video, we highlight Dr. Alex Mohit, a neurosurgeon and complex spine surgeon based in the South Sound.

doctor introduction video seattle
Dr. Alex Mohit meets with a patient for his doctor introduction video

“I wasn’t even thinking about becoming a physician initially. In fact, I wanted to be a scientist. I went to graduate school and got my PhD,” said Dr. Mohit in our interview. “I got to work with a lot of neurosurgeons in the process and it just sort of caught on and I got addicted.”

And it’s that background that allows Dr. Mohit to take a different approach than some other surgeons. As all doctors do, they have guesses and thoughts about what is impacting a patient. But Dr. Mohit’s PhD training makes him confirm everything before he ever operates on a patient. It seems like a common sense approach but it isn’t always so.

doctor introduction video seattle
Our interview with Dr. Alex Mohit at NeoSpine in Puyallup

“You don’t want to have a complex procedure done on you based on a guess,” Dr. Mohit said. “It’s that human factor, feeling that somebody across from you is a caring person.”

And Dr. Mohit really does care. The person that you see in the doctor introduction video is the the same person you get in real life. And while the video focuses on Dr. Mohit, the most important thing to him is the success of his patients.

“Just like everybody else’s work, you look for things to keep you energized and motivated,” said Dr. Mohit in our doctor introduction video. “And I think this is it. In a day, five, six post-op patients come back in a row and they are feeling great. They’re walking more, they’re happy. It’s grand.”

To tell Dr. Mohit’s full story, we conducted a conversational interview, and then he allowed us to follow him into a pre-op appointment, through surgery prep, and then into the operating room as well. Our video production team knows how to stay out of the way and always follows safety protocols.

And the best part about a doctor introduction video is that it has multiple uses. You can put it on a website, social media, use it at conferences and so much more. The more it is used across platforms; the greater your return on investment. And to go one step further, we also create powerful patient success videos to add depth to your brand and marketing.

Doctor introduction videos don’t need to be boring. A doctor introduction video should be authentic and engaging. And it takes the right video production and content creation team to make that happen. Please feel free to contact us by phone, text or email. You can also find us on Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn. And you can watch more of our healthcare video production on YouTube and Vimeo.