I know our Seattle video production and content creation company does great work. I see it every single day. But I also realize that only means so much coming from me (I’m the founder and chief storyteller, after all). That’s why I reached out to Danielle Carlson, formerly the marketing coordinator for Global Diving & Salvage, Inc., for her testimonial.

I created daily social media content and wrote blog posts for Global Diving & Salvage, Inc., and Moarly Creative continues as their sole video production and content creation company. With challenging projects all over the world, and an incredible cast of characters completing the work, Global has tremendous stories to tell.
I recently chatted with Danielle about why she enjoyed partnering with our video production company, and how our storytelling impacted Global Diving & Salvage, Inc. I’ve included examples of stories we shared for Global in her comments.
Danielle Carlson | Global Diving & Salvage, Inc.
“Not everyone in business can accurately tell their story, so finding a professional to help was really necessary. We know who we are and we know what we want to tell people about us, but it’s not everyone’s skill set to convey that. It’s very important because that’s the heart of our business, and we didn’t have the bandwidth or the expertise to do it. We needed to go outside to find someone to help us, which you did.
I can say definitively that we’ve improved engagement with our customers, our vendors, and our employees. We’ve opened the doorway for them to talk to us, us to talk to them, and for them to understand who Global is.
It’s just so easy to work with you. The learning curve was really short. We didn’t have to spend a lot of time explaining what we wanted or needed. You just get it, which is really helpful. It’s a time saver and an energy saver. I can give you an idea, and then you do something that is better than what I asked for. It’s just very low maintenance, which is all anyone ever wants in a vendor. You just come in, take care of it, and I don’t have to worry about it.
You ask great questions, which I’m sure comes from your news background. What I’ve always appreciated is that I’ve been able to give you a framework, and then you pull all the meat out of an interview. That is so valuable. You’re actually listening to people and hearing what they’re saying, and then asking them deeper questions. I can’t predict what someone is going to say, nor do I want to force them to say something that’s not genuine. You lead people down the path to what you need them to say, which is really important when you’re doing the storytelling that you’re doing.”
I want to thank Danielle for her incredible feedback! We love the companies we partner with and it’s nice to know they love us back.
If you’d like to partner with our Seattle video production and content creation company, pleaseĀ contact Moarly Creative. Or find us on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and Vimeo. We’d love to share your success stories on our blog next!
And if you’d like to dive deeper into some of the projects we’ve completed with Global, be sure to check out our posts about their environmental services team, Hurricane Michael recovery, and the Schuyler F. Heim Bridge demolition.