With decades of visual storytelling experience, we love customer testimonial video production. Customer testimonials are real stories down to their core. And there is definitely a proper way to create customer testimonial videos by conducting authentic interviews, capturing quality visuals and wrapping it together with impactful storytelling.

L2L Customer Testimonial Video Production

L2L is one of the many clients who trust us with customer testimonial video production. If you don’t know L2L, they are bringing manufacturing into the digital age with a cloud based lean manufacturing system. The company is headquartered in Utah but they still choose our Seattle video production and content creation company for their storytelling.

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On the road with L2L at Worthington Industries in Columbus, Ohio

L2L’s customer testimonial videos have taken us to manufacturing plants all over the country, including Arkansas, Ohio, Kentucky, and Georgia to just name a few states. We happily shoot customer testimonials in Seattle and around the state of Washington, but we will always travel to share powerful stories wherever they are.

By interviewing executives, plant managers and frontline workers, we share how L2L impacts every level of the plant. And by creating a series of customer testimonials over the years, L2L is now able to show the depth of their company’s success.

HomeStreet Bank

Seattle headquartered HomeStreet Bank also turns to us for customer testimonial video production, and they have since we started business in 2017. The bank asked us to create a series of business and commercial banking customer testimonials called Better Together. We have covered different industries right here in Seattle and along the West Coast and Pacific. HomeStreet Bank has sent us to Oregon, California and even Hawaii.

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Shooting b-roll for a HomeStreet Bank customer testimonial video

And our HomeStreet Bank customer testimonial video production is so successful that the series continues today. It engaged the bank’s audience so much that we even turned many of the feature videos into television commercials. Ryan Mitchell of HomeStreet Bank recently said, “Videos as good as these are well worth the investment and continue to pay for themselves over and over again.”

Global Diving & Salvage

Another Seattle company, Global Diving & Salvage, has long hired us for customer testimonial video production. Global is an amazing company with a diverse skillset. They clean up and prevent oil spills, salvage sunken vessels, provide commercial diving services, and even conduct marine construction.

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Capturing Global Diving & Salvage crews for a Seattle video production

Up until Global started working with us, they only had a limited number of photos to showcase their incredible and extensive projects. And then our customer testimonial videos brought their projects to life in the eyes of the public and potential customers. Much like L2L and HomeStreet Bank, Global has sent us all over the country to cover customer testimonials, including Alaska, California and Florida.

Kerecis Customer Testimonial Video Production

And in the world of healthcare, our customer testimonial videos often take the form of patient success stories. That’s especially the case for medical device clients we work with like Prytime Medical Devices and Kerecis. Both are helping to save lives with their products. And in the case of Kerecis, the product is fish skin.

Yup, the Iceland based company provides fish skin for burn and wound care. For one Marysville resident that meant helping to close a stubborn diabetic wound. It took three years and many different failed products before they introduced Kerecis fish skin. After just a few applications, the wound was fully closed.

Customer testimonial video production is powerful stuff. But you already know that. That’s why you’re here right now. Go one step further and contact us. You can call, text or email — whatever is easiest for you. It’s our goal to make the entire video production and content creation process simple for you. You can also track us down on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. And find more of our customer testimonial video production on YouTube and Vimeo.